Finding a suitable workspace where one could operate a business can prove to be a challenging task when your business is based in a township. However, the City of Ekurhuleni’s intervention and a grand plan to give support to SMMEs is bearing much fruit as the City established business parks to
Over the past 20 years, the City has amplified resources to tackle waste management services by establishing over 30 mini dumping sites across to fight increasing illegal dumping spots. These public off-loading facilities are a catalyst of promoting cleanliness and eradicating the scourge of illegal dumping in residential areas. Construction of these sites allows residents
Back in the day, solid waste officials in the City were subjected to unsafe working conditions in dilapidated depots. All that has changed as solid waste depots have been refurbished and new ones constructed. The modern waste depots have transformed from corrugated iron zinc to brick and mortar, with partitioned buildings consisting of administration […]
Tourism Sticky
ourism stakeholders and product owners in Ekurhuleni can register and update details of their establishments on the City’s database that will reflect all tourism offerings in the City. This will not only assist in delivering on the City’s tourism mandate but also ensure that information displayed on various platforms, including the CoE website, is updated […]
The Etwatwa Extension 19 reservoir and tower are some of the water supply infrastructure that the City is delivering to augment supply. Altogether, the City is building 29 reservoirs and water towers during the term of office of the current administration. The Etwatwa Extension 19 reservoir will boost storage capacity and provide adequate water pressure […]
Watville Housing Development Sticky
The City of Ekurhuleni is going full-steam ahead to meet its target to deliver 100 000 housing units and serviced stands by 2024. At the beginning of this term of office, the City identified that among others that it should focus on provision of sustainable urban integration, improve on infrastructure investment, construct 100 000 houses, […]
The City’s is on course to fulfil its commitment of providing dignified dwellings to all its residents. Ramaphosa informal settlement is turning into one of the model areas for how much re-blocking of informal settlements can improve the lives of its residents and provide a dignified dwelling. In the last three months, from April to […]
The huge chunk of R28 million budget allocated to the city’s Energy department will provide stability and protection for the revenue stream from sales of electricity by addressing meter related issues contributing to revenue losses. The budget allocated will be used to install protective structures into which the meters are installed. Protective structures are strengthened
Between June 2016 and June 2020, the City had rehabilitated about 32 sinkholes costing close to R12 million. Sinkholes develop due to concentrated ingress of water into the ground mostly caused by an inappropriate or illegal connection of storm water pipes and drainage pipes, including sewer pipes. It is a big hole on the ground caused […]
36-Hour Water Storage Capacity Within Reach, 13-Mega Litre Kwathema Reservoir Nearing Completion Sticky
Kwa-Thema is one of Ekurhuleni’s biggest townships. Its population, according to the latest population statistics is about 105 614. The City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) is on course to deliver on its commitment of ensuring security of water supply to all its residents and the business community. The Zulu/Xhosa Reservoir, which is currently under construction in Kwa-Thema […]
Construction of the 25-mega litre Fairleads reservoir in Benoni is nearing completions, and it is scheduled to be finished by end of June 2021. The reservoir will go a long way to ensure consistent supply of clean quality water to the citizens and businesses for an extended period even in case where, for emergency reasons, […]
The new human settlements plan reinforces the vision of the Department of Housing, to promote the achievement of a non-racial, integrated society through the development of sustainable human settlements and quality housing. The Breaking New Ground [BNG]) strategy aims to promote an integrated society by developing sustainable human settlements and quality housing within a
In its efforts to reduce inconveniences experienced by residents as a result of ongoing load shedding around the country, the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality has amended its load shedding schedules. From today, December 12, the Metro will follow the newly published timetables available on their website. The newly designed schedules respond to complaints received from
The Executive mayor of Ekurhuleni Cllr Mondli Gungubele has expressed great excitement at news that the city and five of its entities got clean audits in the 2013/14 financial year. Speaking at a handover function hosted by the Office of the Auditor General (AG) in Pretoria this morning, an elated Gungubele thanked the political and […]
Bid Number: A-WS 02-2025 Description: Appointment of service providers for the hiring, delivery and maintenance of Chemical toilets within City of Ekurhuleni on as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2028. Bid closing date: 14 MARCH 2025 at 10:00 information session: N/A Contact Person (Project manager): Ms. Thembi Khupuza Telephone […]
Bid Number: AP-REDP 01-2025 Description: Leasing Of Erven 2478 and 3507 Bluegum View Extension 3 Township, Duduza (Approximately 2, 9485 Ha And 2, 3691 Ha in extent respectively) for business (Shopping Complex) purposes from the commencement date of the lease agreement for a period of thirty (30) years. Bid closing date: 11 APRIL 2025 at […]
An off-duty EMPD officer was gunned down in KwaThema this morning. While details are still sketchy as to what happened at this moment, it would seem that the officer was attacked by two assailants in front of a spaza shop just after 8am. The men shot the officer and stole his private firearm. This shooting […]
The City will be taking the public into confidence about the Auditor General of South Africa’s 2023/24 financial year report findings on unauthorized, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure (UIFW). This will be done in a form public hearings. The issues raised by the AG’s report on UIFW were referred to the city’s Municipal Public Accounts […]
Bid Number: A-EE 02-2025 Description: Appointment of contractors for the Installation of New Medium and Low Voltage Cables and Equipment as well as Pilot Cables (Copper and Optic Fibre) for Planning and Construction Reticulation Project on an as-and-when-required basis from the date of award until 30 June 2027 Bid closing date: 11 MARCH 2025 at […]
Bid Number: PS-CL 04-2025 Description: The appointment of a Panel of Legal Practitioners to provide Professional Legal Services on an as and when required basis, for the period with effect from 01 July 2025 until 30 June 2028 Bid closing date: 10 MARCH 2025 at 10:00 information session: N/A Contact Person (Project manager): Ms. Ncumisa […]
The City of Ekurhuleni has introduced its own traffic fine processing system. This innovation means residents and road users of the City of Ekurhuleni (COE) will no longer be paying their traffic fines through the Pay City website as was the case. The new system introduced by the municipality offers a convenient method for making payments […]
The City of Ekurhuleni is excited to partner with The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) to announce the launch of South Africa’s first Smart Theatre and Mixed Reality Lab Programme. This innovative initiative is designed to equip performers, creators, technicians, social media specialists, and arts entrepreneurs based in the region with access to cutting-edge technology […]
TENDER NR STATUS DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT A-EE 13-2024 AWARDED The appointment of service providers for the repairs, maintenance and reconditioning of up to 2MVA distribution transformers on an as and when required basis from the date of award until 30 June 2027 Jan-25 W AND A ADVANCED PROJECTS (PTY) LTD Rates […]