Home Archive by category Press Releases (Page 166)
Community Empowerment

Rain Water Harvesting

South Africa is a water-scarce country. Therefore, every little drop of rain counts, and rain harvesting goes a long way in ensuring that water is stored for future use. You can even direct the rain water by creating water channels on the ground to get the water to your garden, grass or flower bed. The […]
Community Empowerment

City Offers Free First Aid Training

Saving a life is everyone’s responsibility and the City’s Disaster and Emergency Services (DEMS) offers free basic first aid training to members of the public. DEMS also offers Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), basic firefighting and evacuation in case of emergency related incidences. In addition, free training is available on general home safety talk which

Suspect Nabbed for Dealing in Khat

Acting on a tip off from a reliable source, members of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) Drug Enforcement Unit targeted a house in Katlehong at 10h30, on Ntanga Street, confiscating the drug known as khat. This happened on 11 February, when the 31-year old male suspect was found in possession of 11 ziplocks of […]