Home Departments 3 Internal Audit

Internal Audit Department

About Internal Audit

Internal Audit is the cornerstone of good corporate governance in organisations and can play an important role to improve management and accountability, both financial and non–financial.

It provides insight into the culture, policies, procedures, and aids management oversight by verifying internal controls such as operating effectiveness, risk mitigation controls, and compliance with any relevant laws or regulations.

Within the City, the purpose of this department is to:

  • ensure governance and compliance by departments by implementing risk based internal audit;
  • ensure CoE activities meet the legal requirements of performance information auditing;
  • provide governance, risk and compliance management assurance services to the municipality;
  • provide the financial risk management services including insurance services.

Office of the Chief Audit Executive

Lindiwe Hleza has stepped into the HoD’s shoes for this department responsible for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of internal financial controls implemented by management

Operations and Performance

The performance of internal audit reviews in the departments and the entities of City is the role of the Operations and Performance division, This includes the review of the SDBIP

Corporate and Forensic Audit

Lesley Vilakazi heads up this division that looks at the performance of internal audit reviews in corporate departments -including reviews of the annual financial statements.

Department Contacts

Office of the Chief Audit Executive:

Corporate and Forensic Audit:

Operations and Performance: