Home About the city Corporate Statement

Corporate Statement


Our Mission

Ekurhuleni provides sustainable and people-centred developmental services that are affordable, appropriate and of a high quality. We are focused on social, environmental and economic regeneration of our city and communities, as guided by the principles of Batho Pele and through the commitment of a motivated and dedicated team.

Our vision

The Smart, Creative and Developmental City.


Performance Excellence

Through excellent teamwork, we strive to continuously improve our skills, processes and systems. Our service will be responsive, professional and of a high quality.



Displaying honesty, respect, dignity and caring in our work and discouraging all forms of discrimination. Taking ownership of all we say and do towards everyone around us.



Ensuring that all stakeholders have access to relevant information through a consultative approach that ensure accountability to each other and to the community


Community Centeredness

Based on the principles embodies in Batho Pele, we grow respect through involving communities and ensuring development. The people we serve and represent, come first.


Co-operative Governance

As a sphere of government, we will initiate, evaluate and implement legislative and regulative measures to be accountable and transparent to all spheres of government and stakeholders, through, amongst others, promoting and constructively participating in international, regional and provincial programmes.


Batho Pele

Ekurhuleni is implementing the Batho Pele Principle

Service delivery to the people is central to realising Government’s commitment to a better life for all. Batho Pele ‘People first’ promotes service excellence in the public sector and encourages the public to expect excellent service from the Government.


You can tell us what you want from us. You will be asked for your views on existing public services and may also tell us what new basic services you will like. All levels of society will be consulted and your feelings will be conveyed to Ministers, MEC’s and legislators.

The Principle: You should be consulted about the level and quality of the public services you receive and, wherever possible, should be given a choice about the services that are offered.


Service Standards

Insist that our promises are kept. All national and provincial government departments will be required to publish service standards for existing and new services. Standards may not be lowered! They will be monitored at least once a year and be raised progressively. 

The Principle: You should be told what level and quality of services you will receive so that you are aware of what to expect.



One and all should get their fair share. Departments will have to set targets for extending access to public servants and services. They should implement special programs for improved service delivery to physically, social and culturally disadvantaged persons. 

The Principle: You and all citizens should have equal access to the services to which you are entitled.



Don’t accept insensitive treatment. All departments must set standards for the treatment of the public and incorporate these into their Code of Conduct, values and training programs. Staff performance will be regularly monitored and discourtesy will not be tolerated.

The Principle: You should be treated with courtesy and consideration.



You’re entitled to full particulars. You will get full, accurate and up-to-date facts about services you are entitled to. Information should be provided at service points and in local media and languages. Contact names and numbers should appear in all departmental communications. 

The Principle: You should be given full, accurate information about the public services you are entitled to receive.


Openness and Transparency

Administration must be an open book. You have the right to know. Departmental staff numbers, particulars of senior officials, expenditure and performance against standards will not be secret. Reports to citizens will be widely published and submitted to legislatures. 

The Principle: You should be told how national and provincial departments are run, how much they cost, and who is in charge.



Your complaints must spark positive action. Mechanisms for recording any public dissatisfaction will be established and all staff will be trained to handle your complaints fast and efficiently. You will receive regular feedback on the outcomes. 

The Principle: If the promised standard of service is not delivered, you should be offered an apology, a full explanation and a speedy and effective remedy. When complains are made, you should receive a sympathetic, positive response.


Value for money

Your money should be employed wisely. You pay income, VAT and other taxes to finance the administration of the country. You have the right to insist that your money should be used properly. Departments owe you proof that efficiency savings and improved service delivery are on the agenda. 

The Principle: Public services should be provided economically and efficiently in order to give you the best possible value for money.