Home Departments 1 Institutional Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation

Institutional Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation


About Institutional Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation


The mandate of the Strategy and Corporate Planning Department (SCP) is to provide strategic direction and ensure effective and uniform strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation and organisational performance reporting, nurturing City intelligence (foresight and business intelligence) through research and development and knowledge management in order to support the strategic planning and service delivery implementation initiatives and modalities. Coordinating research on emerging trends as well as developments that have long-term implications for the City.


Office of the HoD

This department is led by Tsholofelo Koopedi as HoD.

City Strategic Planning

Responsible for coordinating, overseeing and facilitating the development, alignment and implementation of uniform strategy and planning programmes across the organisation.

Support Services

The key purpose of this division is to develop, manage and monitor overall administrative, financial and human resource practices within the Strategy

Organisational Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation

responsible for organisational performance and information management, service delivery monitoring and programme evaluation as well as organisational performance reporting

City Intelligence and Long term Planning

Responsible for defining and driving the research agenda of the City of Ekurhuleni and also for availing intelligence to enhance decision making and planning across the organisation.

Department Contacts Details

Office of the HoD:

City Intelligence and Long Term Planning:

City Strategic Planning:

Support Services:

Organisational Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation: