Home Departments 4 Human Settlement

Human Settlements Department

Ekurhuleni Township
  • Identify and designate land for housing development;
  • Create and maintain a public environment conducive to housing development;
  • Promote the resolution of conflicts arising in the housing development process; and
  • Promote and enable appropriate housing development in its area of jurisdiction.

Section 26(1) of the Constitution provides that everyone shall have the right of access to adequate housing. Accessibility means that the State must create conducive conditions for all its citizens, irrespective of their economic status, to access affordable housing. The right to adequate housing ensures that people enjoy physical and mental health and live in a safe place in peace and dignity.

The function of the Human Settlements Department (HSD) comes from the Housing Act that provides that every municipality must take all reasonable and necessary steps within the framework of national and provincial housing legislation and policy to ensure that:

  • The inhabitants have access to adequate housing on a progressive basis;
  • Set housing delivery goals in respect of its area of jurisdiction;


A City of neighbourhoods that are economically, environmentally and socially resilient and that offer the best quality of life for its residents.


To become a world reference for sustainable human settlements.


Office of The HoD

Office of the HOD: The position of HoD is currently vacant.


Divisional Head (DH) Mboniseni Majola heads the Implementation Division within the Human Settlements Department. His role is to drive, implement and manage the house construction and service stands programmes.

Strategy and Planning

DH Maneo Thelejane heads the Strategy and Planning Division by providing strategic and macro planning for the Department. She also responsible for project specific settlement planning.

Bradley Rathumbu
Community Services and Relationship Management

DH Bradley Rathumbu heads the Community Services and Relationship Management Division and he is responsible for driving and managing rental stock of the City, beneficiary administration, coordination and monitoring of an integrated informal settlement management plan and prevention of land invasion.

Julie Thopola
Support Services

Julie Thopola is the Senior Executive Manager: Support Services. She heads the Support Services Division and is responsible for end-to-end service provision and provides administration support within the department.


Human Settlements Plan 2016-21

This five-year plan forms part of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) Integrated Development Plan (IDP), which is the Housing Chapter (2016-21).  It is derived from a four-month intensive research study and a month long consultation process with; experts, EMM officials and academia. The Housing Chapter is a summary of our planning over the next five years and links to our IDP’s spatial framework, 5-year financial

plan, 5-year capital investment programme, and 5-year action programme and the integrated monitoring and performance management system. This is a review of our 2011 plan. As per the requirements of the National Department of Human Settlements this plan consists of: an analysis, strategy and integration section (actions and projects). 

Rapid Land Release Programme (RLRP) – Serviced Sites

The Rapid Land Release Programme (RLRP) – serviced sites programme has been developed by the Gauteng Department of Human Settlements and aimed to make serviced stands available to qualifying Gauteng households who would not be able to meet their own housing needs without government assistance. The sizes of the stands provided in the RLRP shall range between 150m2–200m2.

The programme also provide at least seven standard building plans for the beneficiary to choose from (2 of the 7 shall be a double storey and independent building plans shall be subject to approval of the municipal building approval processes at a cost to the beneficiary.

Beneficiaries of the RLRP shall be given 18 months – 60 months (5 yrs.) to build incrementally. The Stands cannot be sold without a top structure (eliminating speculation) and in case of sale of the serviced site the Department shall have the first right of refusal. The beneficiaries will not be allowed to sell the stand in the first 8 years of acquiring the stand.

Department Contacts Details

Office of the HoD:

Strategy and Planning:


Community Services and Relationship Management:

Support Service: