Webinar Session to Review Bioregional Plan
The City is reviewing its Bioregional Plan (2015) through digital platforms, and interested parties are invited to be a part of this.
The review of the plan is done in terms of Section 42 of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA; Act 10 of 2004).
A bioregional plan’s purpose is to inform land-use planning, environmental assessment and authorisations, and natural resource management by a range of sectors whose policies and decisions have an impact on biodiversity.
Webinar session
Public engagement is a crucial element of the review process, with 31 August 2020 as the deadline for all comments and views.
A webinar (using Microsoft Teams) will be held on 18 August, 10h00 – 13h00 with interested parties to discuss the reviewed biodiversity plan. To be a part of this, please register by 14 August 2020.
Access to Documents
Due to risks associated with the COVID-19 outbreak, hard copies will not be available. Electronic copies of the report and associated shapefiles can be downloaded from the following websites:
- http://www.cesnet.co.za/public-documents, and
- Listed below
For More Information and to Register for the Webinar:
Dr Greer Hawley
PO Box 8145, East London, 5210
Tel: 043 726 7809