Career Portal | HInts and Tips

City of Ekurhuleni Moving Forward as a Smart Digital City

Apply for jobs online!

For online recruitment assistance:

Call: 0860 543 000
Visit your nearest CoE library

 Did you create your profile on our career portal?

Create your profile now online and apply when positions are advertised.

Do I need to pay for a job in Ekurhuleni?

NO, There is no payment required for any positions at the City.

Will the City accept my job application when submitted manually?

NO, The online application process is the only official way to apply for any position.

Applying for a job at the City of Ekurhuleni?

Apply on time, At least days 4 before closing date.

Employment opportunities at the City of Ekurhuleni

Permanent: A pre-determined contract without an end date to employment.
Fixed Term: A contract that ends on a fixed date.
Temporary: Short term employment with a duration of up to six months.
Skills Development: An opportunity offered to inexperienced young adults that include Learnerships, Work Integrated Learning and Internships.