City Arrests Service Provider Employees In Connection With Germiston Waste Depot Station Heist
On Monday, 24 June 2019, the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD) arrested three suspects in connection with the robbery of goods from the City’s Germiston Waste Depot. On Sunday, 23 June 2019, this depot was robbed of items including, vehicle tyres, office furniture, fridges, microwaves and other valuable items.
Upon further investigation, the EMPD uncovered that the suspects worked for a security company, which is also a registered service provider of the municipality. The City is currently studying the contract it holds with the service provider and has suspended all business with the company. Appropriate legal action will be taken against the company, without fear or favor.
“Last year, we launched Operation O Kae Molao with the intent of cracking down on criminality within the City. We are now moving towards making weekly arrests of internal and external acts of criminality in our City. Service providers must be warned that they are appointed to provide a service that is supposed to uplift communities in Ekurhuleni. Our stance remains the same, no acts of criminality will be tolerated by the City. We hope the courts make an example of these individuals, so that any other service providers who have ideas of robbing the City, think twice!” said Executive Mayor Masina.
The suspects are currently being held at the Germiston Police Station. Their court appearance date is yet to be confirmed.