

The City of Ekurhuleni’s new budget and new tariffs will come into effect on 1 July 2024 to sustain and support infrastructure improvement in the city. Business and resident customers can expect a moderate increase in their utility bills due to the updated tariffs.

The newly approved tariffs are essential to accommodate rising operational costs, support the maintenance of critical infrastructure, and promote responsible use and protection of the natural environment.

Key details of the new tariffs are as follows:

Assessment rates – a tariff increase of 4.9% to cater for the cost of doing business and other service delivery obligations increasing with the inflation rate.

Water tariff – an increase of 9% to cater for business costs such as reticulation and overhead costs.

Sewer tariff – an increase of 7% for domestic and industrial customers to cater for sewer purification and overhead costs.

Refuse removal tariff – an increase of 6% for domestic and business customers, to cater for the cost of replacement of specialised vehicles.

Electricity tariff – an increase ranging between 11.02% and 12.74 for various tariff categories as per NERSA’s guidelines.

Burial and cemetery tariff –an increase of 4.9% for residents and 5.9% for non-residents.

Municipal bus service tariffs – an increase of an average of 4.9%.

These adjustments are designed to ensure fair and equitable distribution of costs as well as to encourage responsible consumption practices within our community.

The City of Ekurhuleni will still offer free basic services to help those who have been identified as having limited financial support or resources. This assistance is part of a national programme to help individuals who are considered indigents.

The social package for indigent relief has the following benefits:

  • 6 kilolitres of free basic water and sanitation per month;
  • Free refuse collection;
  • Free firefighting emergency services;
  • 50 kwh of electricity per month; and
  • 100% rebates on assessment rates.