Tenders awarded

2013 – August

ABBY Themba Ntuli UNSOLICITED Permanent disposal and transfer of a portion of the RE Extend of Erf 999, the
remainder of Erf 593, Portion 1 of Erf 593, Erf 1050, Portion 1 of Erf 999, Erf 1024
a portion of Clinton Road and a potion of Helston Street, New Redruth township,
12-Aug-13 Netcare Limited Revenue to Council
ABBY Mohamed Karanie A-F 03/2013 Appointment of service providers to provide and manage ATM'S and pre-paid
electricity vending machines (kiosks) for the purchase of pre-paid electricity,
bill payments and other services until 30 June 15 
12-Aug-13 Deposita Systems (Pty) Ltd R 21 637 733.34
ABBY Rufus Sebati A-ED (E) 05/2012 Maintenance, upgrading, repair, calibration, data collection, data verification and
reporting of 10 ambient air quality monitoring stations – until 30 June 15 
12-Aug-13 Ero Electronic SA (Pty) Ltd R 2 866 440.00
ABBY Pieter Swanepoel PS-CP 69/2013 Appointment of a service provider for the financial and projection modelling of the
Capital Investment Framework and related planning processes – as and when
until 30 June 15
12-Aug-13 Demacon Research and Projects (Pty) Ltd R 2 632 500.00
RUDOLF Morena Letsosao A-CP 02/2013 Appointment of a geophysical contractor to investigate and assist the Consultant
for dolomite related investigations – as and when – until 30 June 16
12-Aug-13 Panga Holdings (Pty) Ltd R 5 962 000.00
KINDOR Max Motsepe PS-EE 09/2012 Appointment of a suitable electrical management consultant to implement and manage
the street and area lighting maintenance function for Germiston area – until 30 June 15 
12-Aug-13 NON AWARD:
Change in departmental strategy
TOZAMA Innocent Malaudzi
Nonhlanhla Mokgosi
PS-EE 51/2013 Consulting electrical engineers for professional services for the electrification of
various areas
12-Aug-13 Tholkomelo Management (Pty) Ltd R 358 395.00
TOZAMA Innocent Malaudzi
Nonhlanhla Mokgosi
PS-EE 51/2013 Consulting electrical engineers for professional services for the electrification of
various areas
12-Aug-13 High Voltage Systems Engineers CC R 988 390.36
TOZAMA Innocent Malaudzi
Nonhlanhla Mokgosi
PS-EE 51/2013 Consulting electrical engineers for professional services for the electrification of
various areas
12-Aug-13 Tsekema Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd R 599 471.20
TOZAMA Innocent Malaudzi
Nonhlanhla Mokgosi
PS-EE 51/2013 Consulting electrical engineers for professional services for the electrification of
various areas
12-Aug-13 MPPM Consulting Engineering CC R 726 328.60
TOZAMA Innocent Malaudzi
Nonhlanhla Mokgosi
PS-EE 51/2013 Consulting electrical engineers for professional services for the electrification of
various areas
12-Aug-13 Mmeleldi Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd R 582 334.00
KINDOR Joy Moja PS-ED 45/2013  Appointment of a service provider/consortium for the development of a master plan
for the Ekurhuleni Aerotropolis 
12-Aug-13 Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd R 23 951 965.34
Tommie Molwedi Mokoena
Mildred Nkopane
Ofentse Mogoera
OCM 01/2013 Provision of resources for financial management, cost and management accounting
support services Withdrawal of award and subsequent appointment to next bidder
12-Aug-13 Pricewaterhousecoopers: WITHDRAWAL -R 3 675 878.00
Tommie Molwedi Mokoena
Mildred Nkopane
Ofentse Mogoera
OCM 01/2013
Provision of resources for financial management, cost and management accounting
support services Subsequent appointment
12-Aug-13 Ernest & Young Advisory Services Ltd R 10 671 000.00
PATRICIA Irene Sithole SRAC 11/2013 Construction of a new library on Erf 3266 Brakpan 12-Aug-13 CV Shoplistters & Joiners CC R 12 483 693.78
PATRICIA Irene Sithole SRAC 12/2013 Construction of a new library on 21537 Tsakane 12-Aug-13 Khuboni Civil Projects (Pty) Ltd R 14 826 902.30
RUDOLF Frans Maebana PS-WMS 76/2013 The appointment of a registered Environmental Engineering Consultant or registered
natural scientist for the rendering of environmental auditing services at various
EMM owned landfill sites until 30 June 16
12-Aug-13 Prime Resources Property (Pty) Ltd R 594 676.40
TOZAMA Irene Sithole PS-SRAC 03/2013 Architects and professional team to do contract administration and supervision for the
construction of a new library in Brakpan 
12-Aug-13 Kemp Wegelin & Vennote (pty) Ltd R 887 288.48
TOZAMA Irene Sithole PS-SRAC 02/2013 Architects and professional team to do contract administration and supervision for the
construction of a new library in Tsakane 
12-Aug-13 Kemp Wegelin & Vennote (pty) Ltd R 887 288.48
ABBY Hannes De Flamingh A-EE 10/2013 Appointment of several electrical contractors to manage the work related to smaller
connection electricity meters on an as-and-when required basis – until 30 June 2016:
19-Aug-13 Francis Electrical Services CC R 204 385.00
ABBY Hannes De Flamingh A-EE 10/2013 Appointment of several electrical contractors to manage the work related to smaller
connection electricity meters on an as-and-when required basis – until 30 June 2016
19-Aug-13 Bvelela Engineering CC R 204 385.00
ABBY Hannes De Flamingh A-EE 10/2013 Appointment of several electrical contractors to manage the work related to smaller
connection electricity meters on an as-and-when required basis – until 30 June 2016:
19-Aug-13 Jolobe Trading CC R 618 735.00
ABBY Hannes De Flamingh A-EE 10/2013 Appointment of several electrical contractors to manage the work related to smaller
connection electricity meters on an as-and-when required basis – until 30 June 2016
19-Aug-13 Mphephethwa Trading CC
Nyamezela Consulting Engineers (pty) Ltd
R 408 770.00
ABBY Hannes De Flamingh A-EE 10/2013 Appointment of several electrical contractors to manage the work related to smaller
connection electricity meters on an as-and-when required basis – until 30 June 2016
19-Aug-13 Xon Systems (Pty) Ltd R 204 385.00
KINDOR Letta Ramano /  Rico  Reyneke SRAC-15/2013 The appointment of a contractor for the repair and rehabilitation of Benoni Central
Swimming Pool
19-Aug-13 El-Sha Consulting (Pty) Ltd R 6 220 976.32
KINDOR Bongani Nkambule/ Mabeane Matjokotja A-EE 05/2013 Supply, delivery and off-loading of medium voltage cables accessories
on an as-and-when required basis – until 30-June 2015
26-Aug-13 ATC (Pty) Ltd t/a Tank Industries R 3 120 000.00
KINDOR Bongani Nkambule/ Mabeane Matjokotja A-EE 05/2013 Supply, delivery and off-loading of medium voltage cables accessories
on an as-and-when required basis – until 30-June 2015
26-Aug-13 KT Industrial & Logistic CC R 480 000.00
KINDOR Bongani Nkambule/ Mabeane Matjokotja A-EE 05/2013 Supply, delivery and off-loading of medium voltage cables accessories
on an as-and-when required basis – until 30-June 2015
26-Aug-13 Repl Africa (Pty) Ltd R 1 020 000.00
KINDOR Bongani Nkambule/ Mabeane Matjokotja A-EE 05/2013 Supply, delivery and off-loading of medium voltage cables accessories
on an as-and-when required basis – until 30-June 2015
26-Aug-13 Sihlose Okuhle Trading 22 t/a
Sihlose Consluting & Projects CC
R 60 000.00
KINDOR Bongani Nkambule/ Mabeane Matjokotja A-EE 05/2013 Supply, delivery and off-loading of medium voltage cables accessories
on an as-and-when required basis – until 30-June 2015
26-Aug-13 Memotek Trading CC R 120 000.00
KINDOR Bongani Nkambule/ Mabeane Matjokotja A-EE 05/2013 Supply, delivery and off-loading of medium voltage cables accessories
on an as-and-when required basis – until 30-June 2015
26-Aug-13 Medupe Distributers CC R 1 200 000.00
PATRICIA Jorro Segabutla PS-ED 70/2013 The appointment  of a consultant to develop the township economies
strategy and implementation plan for Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality ( EMM)
26-Aug-13 Urban Dynamics Gauteng Inc t/a
UDI Gauteng
R 1 743 000.00
PATRICIA Mpho Mashego A-HEA 09/2012 Withdrawal of the award by Nala Trading Enterprise from Contract
A-HEA 09/2012: The supply, delivery and off-loading of various surgical products
to health facilities on an as-when required basis – until 30 June 2015 
26-Aug-13 Nala Trading Enterprise CC:  WITHDRAWAL R 0.00
PATRICIA Mpho Mashego A-HEA 09/2012 Withdrawal of the award by Nala Trading Enterprise from Contract
A-HEA 09/2012: The supply, delivery and off-loading of various surgical products
to health facilities on an as-when required basis – until 30 June 2015 
26-Aug-13 Oratilwe Consulting CC R 0.00
ANKE Hennie Spies PS-RS (R) 46/2013 The appointment of a professional team to evaluate existing footbridge structure
for damages, remedial work, call for tenders, evaluate bids and do supervision to
replace the damaged bridge deck of Swarkoppies road footbridge, Brackenhurst ,
26-Aug-13 Malani Padayachee & Associates (Pty) Ltd R 202 520.00
RUDOLF Cindy Dube PS-WMS 71/2013 Appointment of a financial adminstration consultants (FAC) for the financial
adminisgtration of 5 EMM landfill sites and one privately owned site  until 30 June 2016
29-Jul-13 Ubuntu Business Advisory and
Consulting (Pty) Ltd
R 8 512 000.00
ABBY Bongani Nkambule
Innocent Mulaudzi
EE 10/2013 Electrification of Mayfiled Ext 9 & 11  08-Jul-13 Siza-Mekaar Construction (Pty) Ltd R 14 307 979.15