TENDER NR STATUS DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT A-EWM 02-2024 CANCELLED The appointment of service providers for the removal and cleaning of illegally dumped non-toxic, non-objectionable solid waste and rubble on an as and when required basis from date of
TENDER NR STATUS DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT A-EWM 10-2024 AWARDED The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of herbicides and pesticides, on an as and when required basis, from date of award, until 30 June 2026. Sep-24 Octu Chem (Pty) Ltd Rates A-EWM 10-2024 AWARDED The appointment of […]
TENDER NR STATUS DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT A-EWM 06-2024 AWARDED The appointment of bidders for management and rendering of comprehensive refuse removal services including recycling and clearing of illegal dumping in the specified areas of the city of Ekurhuleni from date of award until 30 June 2027 Aug-24 Ewaste Destructors (Pty) Ltd,
TENDER NR STATUS DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT PS-F 07-2024 AWARDED The appointment of a service provider for professional services with respect to immovable assets management (including all heritage; land and intangible assets), related environment data and planning support from date of award until 31 December 2025 Jul-24 BOFFIN AND FUNDI
TENDER NR STATUS DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT A-EMPD 01-2024 AWARDED Appointment of service providers for the supply and delivery of various types of ammunition for the Ekurhuleni metropolitan police department on an as-and-when required basis from the date of award until 30 June 2026. Jun-24 Compliance and Security Advisory Service (Pty )
TENDER NR STATUS DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT A-HS 02-2024 CANCELLED appointment of Contractors on an as and when required basis for the Upgrading, Construction and Installation of Civil Engineering Services for Human Settlements Implementation Projects, from date of award until 30 June 2027 May-24 Cancelled
TENDER NR STATUS DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTH REPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT AS 09-2023 AWARDED The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of water items (accessories) on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2026. Apr-24 Thamax Auto Glass (Pty) Ltd Rates AS 09-2023 AWARDED The […]
TENDER NR DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT A-RS 08-2022 The Appointment Of Contractors To Repair And Maintain Sidewalks, Paved Areas, Stormwater Drains, River Streams, Dams, Channels, Road Pavement And Culvert Inlets / Outlets In The City Of Ekurhuleni On An As And When Required Basis From The Date Of Award Until 30 Of […]
TENDER NR DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER ESTIMATEDAMOUNT AS 08-2023 The appointment of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery and off-loading of Electrical Items (accessories) on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2026 Feb-24 Kronos Solutions (Pty) Ltd Rates AS 08-2023 The appointment of Service Providers for the […]
TENDER NR DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT A-ICT 07-2023 The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery, off-loading and maintenance of various computer equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2026. Jan-24 Papifita Trading and Projects CC Rates A-ICT 07-2023 The appointment of service […]