A-WS 03-2022 | AWARDED | Appointment of a contractor for appointment of contractors for the construction of the sewer networks and bulk infrastructure on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 JUNE 2025 | Mar-23 | Imvuno Enhle Holdings (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-WS 03-2022 | AWARDED | Appointment of a contractor for appointment of contractors for the construction of the sewer networks and bulk infrastructure on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 JUNE 2025 | Mar-23 | Lucazi (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-WS 03-2022 | AWARDED | Appointment of a contractor for appointment of contractors for the construction of the sewer networks and bulk infrastructure on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 JUNE 2025 | Mar-23 | FM Infrastructure (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-WS 03-2022 | AWARDED | Appointment of a contractor for appointment of contractors for the construction of the sewer networks and bulk infrastructure on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 JUNE 2025 | Mar-23 | Udah Construction (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-WS 03-2022 | AWARDED | Appointment of a contractor for appointment of contractors for the construction of the sewer networks and bulk infrastructure on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 JUNE 2025 | Mar-23 | Rafuni (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-WS 03-2022 | AWARDED | Appointment of a contractor for appointment of contractors for the construction of the sewer networks and bulk infrastructure on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 JUNE 2025 | Mar-23 | Malmon Development (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EE 10-2022 | CANCELLED | Appointment of a service provider for the operation and maintenance of solar PV plants across the City of Ekurhuleni from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | CANCELLED- Validity expired | N/A |
PS-F 08-2023: | AWARDED | Request For Proposal (RFP) For The Appointment Of An Asset/Fund Manager For The Establishment And Management Of The City Of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Long Term Liability Redemption (Sinking)Fund From Date Of Award Until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | NEDBANK LIMITED, | Rates |
PS-F 08-2023: | AWARDED | Request For Proposal (RFP) For The Appointment Of An Asset/Fund Manager For The Establishment And Management Of The City Of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Long Term Liability Redemption (Sinking)Fund From Date Of Award Until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | ABSA BANK LIMITED, | Rates |
PS-LEG 05-2023 | CANCELLED | the appointment of a suitably qualified, competent and experience service providers to render interpretation, translation and transcription services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | CANCELLED- No Acceptable bids | Rates |
A-WS 01-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of various sizes of water meters and related material, on an as-and-when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | REALTIME TRADING AND PROJECTS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-WS 01-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of various sizes of water meters and related material, on an as-and-when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | BATELINE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-WS 01-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of various sizes of water meters and related material, on an as-and-when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | DAVIS & DEALE IRRIGATION (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-WS 01-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of various sizes of water meters and related material, on an as-and-when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MALAKA SUPPLIES CC | Rates |
A-WS 01-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of various sizes of water meters and related material, on an as-and-when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MBHEKENI NONTOMBI MASEKO HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-WS 01-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of various sizes of water meters and related material, on an as-and-when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MRB LOGISTICS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-WS 01-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of various sizes of water meters and related material, on an as-and-when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | KHULAKANYE INVESTMENT AND PROJECTS PTY LTD | Rates |
A-WS 01-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of various sizes of water meters and related material, on an as-and-when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | UBUNTUCOP (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-WS 01-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of various sizes of water meters and related material, on an as-and-when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MAWEE CIVILS AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-EMPD 02-2023 | CANCELLED | The supply and delivery of various types of ammunition for the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department on an as-and-when required basis from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | CANCELLED- No Acceptable bids | |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | IKWEKWEZI HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | CHLINA PROJECTS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | HOLOBYE TRADING (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | PHALABORWENI CONSULTING (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | KANO OPERATIONS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | EKENE INVESTMENT CC | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | RAPID MANAGEMENT SERVICES (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | K101 INVESTMENT (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | LANAZU INVESTMENT (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | ACQURACON PROJECTS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | IBUSISIWE TRADING (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | FEZISCAN (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | AQUA TRANSPORT & PLANT HIRE (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MBATHA INVESTMENTD (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | BIDWIN CC | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MAAHNTOMBI BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | KGOPOM TRADING AND PROJECTS CC | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | IMVUNO ENHLE HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MUZURI SANA PROJECTS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MARONZA DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MAPHECEKA CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECTS CC | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | PHAT CLASSIC EVENTS & COMMUNICATIONS CC | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | KHWENTA CONSTRUCTION & PLANT HIRE CC | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | SPN NIGHTS CIVIL AND PROJECTS (PTY) LTD | Rates |
A-RS 06-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of Multiple Service Providers for Hiring of Plant and Equipment for all Coe Depot Areas on an as and when required from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | IZIGI ZEAFRICA CONSTRUCTION CC | Rates |
P- EWM 01-2022: | CANCELLED | request for proposal for a suitable Investor to Lease, Develop, Operate and Maintain a Memorial Park/Private Cemetery on the remainders of portion 13 of the Farm Putfontein 26-ir, Benoni, 34 hectares from date of award for a maximum period of 30 years | Mar-23 | CANCELLED- BIDDER WITHDREW | N/A |
PS-RS 19-2021 | CANCELLED | The appointment of a consulting engineers for construction supervision of N12 Alliance Road interchange Daveyton from date of appointment until 30 June | Mar-23 | CANCELLED – CHANGED CIRCUMSATANCES | N/A |
A-EWM 03-2020 | CANCELLED | The appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of herbicides and pesticides, on an as and when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2024 | Mar-23 | CANCELLED – No Acceptable bids | N/A |
A-EE 09-2022: | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors for repairs and maintenance of medium voltage substations on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Zebcraft (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EE 09-2022: | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors for repairs and maintenance of medium voltage substations on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Nolewu Construction Electrical Chemical | Rates |
A-EE 09-2022: | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors for repairs and maintenance of medium voltage substations on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Nothani Engineering CC, | Rates |
A-EE 09-2022: | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors for repairs and maintenance of medium voltage substations on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | E-Multi Construction and Electricity CC, | Rates |
A-EE 09-2022: | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors for repairs and maintenance of medium voltage substations on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Globe Africa Investments (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EE 09-2022: | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors for repairs and maintenance of medium voltage substations on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Fullserve Services (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EE 09-2022: | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors for repairs and maintenance of medium voltage substations on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Ugugu Electrical Trading And Projects CC, | Rates |
A-EE 09-2022: | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors for repairs and maintenance of medium voltage substations on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Vesyma Trading Enterprise, | Rates |
A-EE 09-2022: | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors for repairs and maintenance of medium voltage substations on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Mohlawe Technologies (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 05-2020 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 4EB (including 3EBPE) to 9EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2024, | Mar-23 | Nkateko JV, 31 Newquay Road | Rates |
A-RE 05-2020 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 4EB (including 3EBPE) to 9EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2024, | Mar-23 | Khauki Construction & Transport cc | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Veritas Engineering and Project Management Consultants (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Wabobedi Trading and Projects CC, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Onza Construction (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Ngwanashogole Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Alle Stelle (Pty) Ltd, of 22 | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | TN Consulting (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Ovoworx (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Syster Construction and Projects CC, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Makondwe Trading and Projects CC, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | SKS Business Enterprise CC, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Fullserve Services (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Limacon CC, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Bakani Construction CC, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Mizana Engineering and Services (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Ngobese Electrical Building and Civil Construction CC, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Bhekani Business Services (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | SJ Mdlalose (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | TLNS Electrical and Railway Signalling (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | K101 Investment (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Pule and Vic construction and Projects CC, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Mahlamba Ndlopfu Business Enterprise CC, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Stanley Mautle Construction (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Monare A Nopjadi Projects (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Smzee Property Development, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Manxiwa Group(Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-RE 09-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of electrical contractors with a CIDB grading of 2EB to 4EB for electrical maintenance work in all CoE buildings/facilities, property, plant, and equipment on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2025, | Mar-23 | Khauki Construction and Transport CC, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Marumo Africa JV, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Kimcon Development (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Exsousia International (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Likhanyile Consulting Engineers and Projects Managers CC, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Shuma Africa (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Klok Engineering Services (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Tshashu Consulting and Projects Managers CC, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Kluu Engineering Consultants (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Akwethu Engineering and Development (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Dikgato Engineering Consultant (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Ralema Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Links and Haki Services (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | 2MC Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Mulanga Developments CC, | Rates |
PS-RS 19-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of consulting engineers for the planning, design of roads and stormwater drainage projects and the management of contractors for the construction of various projects in the City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from the date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Ditlou Consulting (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A CM 01-2021 | AWARDED | The Appointment of service providers for distribution, putting-up and removal of printed material for various projects carried out by City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2024 | Mar-23 | Somhlolo Solutions CC, | Rates |
A CM 01-2021 | AWARDED | The Appointment of service providers for distribution, putting-up and removal of printed material for various projects carried out by City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2024 | Mar-23 | MD Rantji Holdings, | Rates |
A CM 01-2021 | AWARDED | The Appointment of service providers for distribution, putting-up and removal of printed material for various projects carried out by City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2024 | Mar-23 | Jobe Square Services | Rates |
A CM 01-2021 | AWARDED | The Appointment of service providers for distribution, putting-up and removal of printed material for various projects carried out by City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2024 | Mar-23 | Kgopom Trading and Projects CC | Rates |
A CM 01-2021 | AWARDED | The Appointment of service providers for distribution, putting-up and removal of printed material for various projects carried out by City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2024 | Mar-23 | Simunje (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A CM 01-2021 | AWARDED | The Appointment of service providers for distribution, putting-up and removal of printed material for various projects carried out by City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2024 | Mar-23 | Rural Corner Trading and Projects | Rates |
A CM 01-2021 | AWARDED | The Appointment of service providers for distribution, putting-up and removal of printed material for various projects carried out by City of Ekurhuleni on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2024 | Mar-23 | Hidden Talent (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 02-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers to perform grave digging and related services for CoE on an as-and-when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Orits Trading and Projects (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EWM 02-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers to perform grave digging and related services for CoE on an as-and-when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Enza Events (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EWM 02-2023 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers to perform grave digging and related services for CoE on an as-and-when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Heisi Trading and Projects CC, | Rates |
A-EWM 04-2021 | CANCELLED | for the supply and delivery of various grass cutting, tree cutting and ancillary equipment spare parts, to service and repair the range of specialised equipment, on an as-and-when required basis, from date of acceptance until 30 June 2023 | Mar-23 | CANCELLED- No Acceptable Bidders | N/A |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Whose To Blame (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Mabhaya Marketing and Project CC | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Acquracon Projects (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Motapello Trading (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Nautilus Group (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Ortis Trading & Projects (Pty) Ltd. | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | RDM Building and Construction (Pty) Ltd. | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Medilac Group (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Stability Earthmoving Equipment (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Zwiito Trading & Projects CC | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Kano Operations (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Jafi Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Heisi Trading and Projects CC, | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Dube Sterling (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Tincol Group (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Moko Group (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Sithembe Transportation and Projects (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Buchayaneso Empire (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Mokujaba Contractors (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Boyzen Civil & Construction (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | DSQ Ventures (Pty) Ltd, | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Makplan Construction and Projects 141 CC | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Holobye Trading 2 (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Dunmarsh Investments CC | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | MD Landscaping ( Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Benrues Group (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Berthzur Construction and Projects (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Mazino Concept (Pty) Ltd | Rates |
A-EWM 07-2022 | AWARDED | The appointment of service providers for to perform various arboriculture maintenance activities, on an as and when required basis, form date of award until 30 June 2025 | Mar-23 | Mimuso Group (Pty) Ltd | Rates |