Tenders awarded

Bids Awarded October 2024

A-EWM 02-2024CANCELLED The appointment of service providers for the removal and cleaning of illegally dumped non-toxic, non-objectionable solid waste and rubble on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2026Oct-24Cancelledn/a
A-EE 17-2024AWARDEDThe appointment of a Service Provider for the Supply, Delivery and off-loading of Meter Seals on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2026Oct-24Puxline Projects (Pty) LtdRates
A-EE 18-2024AWARDEDThe appointment The appointment of service providers for the maintenance of energy efficient lamps and occupancy sensors on City of Ekurhuleni buildings on an as-and-when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2027.Oct-24Alcha Energy Solutions CCRates
A-EE 18-2024AWARDEDThe appointment The appointment of service providers for the maintenance of energy efficient lamps and occupancy sensors on City of Ekurhuleni buildings on an as-and-when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2027.Oct-24Mahlamba Ndlopfu Business Enterprises CCRates
A-EE 18-2024AWARDEDThe appointment The appointment of service providers for the maintenance of energy efficient lamps and occupancy sensors on City of Ekurhuleni buildings on an as-and-when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2027.Oct-24Zadgars Africa (Pty) LtdRates
A-EE 18-2024AWARDEDThe appointment The appointment of service providers for the maintenance of energy efficient lamps and occupancy sensors on City of Ekurhuleni buildings on an as-and-when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2027.Oct-24Khanye Electrical (Pty) Ltd – JVRates
A-EE 18-2024AWARDEDThe appointment The appointment of service providers for the maintenance of energy efficient lamps and occupancy sensors on City of Ekurhuleni buildings on an as-and-when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2027.Oct-24Richmont Global (Pty) LtdRates
A-EE 18-2024AWARDEDThe appointment The appointment of service providers for the maintenance of energy efficient lamps and occupancy sensors on City of Ekurhuleni buildings on an as-and-when required basis, from date of award until 30 June 2027.Oct-24Konam Crescent (Pty) LtdRates
A-EWM 04 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of service providers for the management and rendering of the comprehensive refuse removal services including street cleaning, sweeping, litter picking, refuse collection, removal of illegally dumped waste, education and awareness and recycling services within the specified boundaries of Alberton and Germiston customer care areas on a daily basis from date of award until 30 June 2026 : ALBERTON AREA 1Oct-24Toplee Trading (PTY)LtdRates
A-EWM 04 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of service providers for the management and rendering of the comprehensive refuse removal services including street cleaning, sweeping, litter picking, refuse collection, removal of illegally dumped waste, education and awareness and recycling services within the specified boundaries of Alberton and Germiston customer care areas on a daily basis from date of award until 30 June 2026 : ALBERTON AREA 2 Oct-24Modana Group CCRates
A-EWM 04 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of service providers for the management and rendering of the comprehensive refuse removal services including street cleaning, sweeping, litter picking, refuse collection, removal of illegally dumped waste, education and awareness and recycling services within the specified boundaries of Alberton and Germiston customer care areas on a daily basis from date of award until 30 June 2026 : GERMISTON AREA 1Oct-24Somhlolo solutions CCRates
A-EWM 04 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of service providers for the management and rendering of the comprehensive refuse removal services including street cleaning, sweeping, litter picking, refuse collection, removal of illegally dumped waste, education and awareness and recycling services within the specified boundaries of Alberton and Germiston customer care areas on a daily basis from date of award until 30 June 2026 : GERMISTON AREA 2Oct-24Qhakaza Logistics (Pty)Rates
A-EWM 05-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of landfill operators for the supply of personnel, equipment and plant necessary for the operations and maintenance of city of Ekurhuleni operational landfill sites including the ad hoc maintenance of city of Ekurhuleni closed landfill sites on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Sungu Sungu Projects CCRates
A-EWM 05-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of landfill operators for the supply of personnel, equipment and plant necessary for the operations and maintenance of city of Ekurhuleni operational landfill sites including the ad hoc maintenance of city of Ekurhuleni closed landfill sites on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Khabokedi Waste Management (Pty) LtdRates
A-EWM 05-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of landfill operators for the supply of personnel, equipment and plant necessary for the operations and maintenance of city of Ekurhuleni operational landfill sites including the ad hoc maintenance of city of Ekurhuleni closed landfill sites on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Mcijo Group (Pty)Ltd,Rates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24BOITUMELO MADUNA ENTERPRISESRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24LEAGO LE LETHABO ENTERPRISES PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24BUZAPHI CONSTRUCTION PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24FM INFRASTRUCTURERates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24BUILTPRO CONSTRUCTION PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24FOUR PILLARS GROUP PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MMAZWI CIVIL AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICESRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24TCT CIVIL AND CONSTRUCTIONRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24VUKUZITHATHE WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTORS CCRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24NSM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND GENERAL PROJECTSRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24HLELONKOSAZANA GROUP PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24BAMBA NANI TRADINGRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24DITSAMAI INVESTMENTS AND PROJECTSRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MCC SECURITY AND PROJECTSRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MAPULANENG ELECTRICAL PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24WASTE PARTNER INVESTMENTS PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24SOMHLOLO SOLUTIONS CCRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24THLALIFO HOLDINGS PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MOGATLADI TRADING ENTERPRISE PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24GRM TRADING ENTERPRISERates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24AMOSHAR PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT CCRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24CREDMORE PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24THATO TRUCK CLINIC PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MODANA GROUPRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MCIJO GROUPRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24BOHLABATSATSI GROUP 001 CCRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24GAUTA ENTERPRISE PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24GOBOBO TRANSPORT PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24DEUNICE TRADING PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MOLEBOGENG TRADING ENTERPRISERates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24NSIMKO ENGINEERING SOLUTIONSRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MDNDIBI BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24LAZWI ENGINEERING 8 CCRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MAKSERV AFRICA PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MOSA LESARENG TRADING AND PROJECTSRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24TSHEPO MPUMI BUSINESS ENTERPRISERates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24EKENE INVESTMENTS CCRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24QUENCH MANAGEMENT SERVICES CCRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MBS ELECTRONICSRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24AFRI DIMES PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24ZEMBELENI TRANSPORT AND PROJECTS CCRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24LWAZILWANDE TRADING ENTERPRISERates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MAWUSIVE TRADING PROJECTS PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24ELSON LODGE PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24KHABOKEDI WASTE MANAGEMENTRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24IMPOQO TRADING CCRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24RE AMOGELA DIMPHO PROJECTS PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24RUA CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECTS PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24NJILO CONSULTING AND LOGISTICSRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MMADIJENG PROJECTS AND SUPPLIESRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24SUNGU SUNGU PROJECTSRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24QHAKAZA LOGISTICS PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24STHALALA ENTERPRISE PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24JOE MM INVESTMENTS PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MOKUNDI TRADING PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24LASKI FLEET MANAGEMENT SERVICESRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24MAGAYI INVESTMENT PTY LTDRates
A-EWM 09-2024AWARDEDthe appointment of service providers for the hiring of specialised waste management vehicles/equipment and support services on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24RMSP T/A SIYABONGA INDUSTRIAL SERVICESRates
P- ED 08-2021CANCELLEDto lease council-owned agricultural farms categorized as social farms 1 (≤ 5ha), social farms 2 (≥ 5ha – ≤ 10ha), small-scale (10ha – 30ha), developmental commercial (30ha – 100ha) and establishment commercial farms (≥ 100ha) for a period of nine years eleven months.Oct-24Cancelled- Expired ValidityRates
PS-RS 14-2024AWARDEDThe appointment of consulting engineers for professional engineering services for the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads in the COE on an as and when required basis, from the date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Klok Engineering Services (Pty) LtdRates
PS-RS 14-2024AWARDEDThe appointment of consulting engineers for professional engineering services for the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads in the COE on an as and when required basis, from the date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Kluu Engineering Consultants (Pty) LtdRates
PS-RS 14-2024AWARDEDThe appointment of consulting engineers for professional engineering services for the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads in the COE on an as and when required basis, from the date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Mankga Leraga ccRates
PS-RS 14-2024AWARDEDThe appointment of consulting engineers for professional engineering services for the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads in the COE on an as and when required basis, from the date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24ECE Engineers ccRates
PS-RS 14-2024AWARDEDThe appointment of consulting engineers for professional engineering services for the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads in the COE on an as and when required basis, from the date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-242MC Consulting Engineers (Pty) LtdRates
PS-RS 14-2024AWARDEDThe appointment of consulting engineers for professional engineering services for the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads in the COE on an as and when required basis, from the date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Zikesa Engineering and Projects (Pty) LtdRates
A-PT 01-2024AWARDEDThe appointment of a service provider to render cleaning, maintenance, and security services at the harambee bus stations within the City of Ekurhuleni (COE) on an as and when required basis from date of award until 30 June 2026Oct-24Future Enterprise (Pty) LtdRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Mapulaneng Electrical (Pty) LtdRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Lay-Uwe Engineering Projects (Pty) LtdRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Mikawethu Trading EnterpriseRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Moljack Holdings (Pty) LtdRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24PEV Energy (Pty) LtdRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Chartall Creations ( Pty) LtdRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Ginanda Vundla investments (Pty) LtdRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Tsopane Trading and ProjectsRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Nkhalaba TradingRates
A-F 02- 2024AWARDEDThe appointment of Qualified Electricity Disconnection Contractors on an as and when required basis for a period with effect from date of award until 30 June 2027Oct-24Lexy H World (Pty) LtdRates