Community Empowerment

Be Considerate When Building on Your Property

Building of backyard or rental rooms on your property without getting approval from the municipality is not allowed.

For different reasons many property owners are opting to build backyard or rental rooms without following proper procedures.  Some do this to avoid improving their property value which in return may increase their rates. This has led to infrastructure over load in many parts of the City.

When residential areas are established services such as electricity, sewer systems, roads and water supply are designed to cater for the specific size of the population. When the population increases due to added residential structures, services should also be increased.  If not, it may lead to over loading causing constant sewage blockages and electricity blackouts in the area.

The City appeals to homeowners to follow the proper procedures and submit building plan to the City Planning offices for approval. Once submitted, the City planner can advise if the property zoning rights allows for the rental rooms or if it needs rezoning.

For rezoning you need to consult the City planner for guidance before submitting building plans. This is the stage where the property zoning rights is discussed.

Building plans must be drawn up by a registered professional and only once approved can building start.  

Building a structure without approval may result in erecting a building on top of a servitude that can endanger the lives. Illegal structures face the risk of collapse, fire or even flooding if area the where it is erected is on the flood line. It may also expose the owner to a series of court battles and subsequent demolishing of the completed structure.

Most illegal structures are built on the road reserve, which makes it difficult for the service delivery departments to service the area.

Residents are urged to consult the town planners at their nearest customer care centres before building or extending their properties.