Community Empowerment

City’s Foodbank Bridges the Poverty Gap

Ever since the confirmation of the first positive case of the novel coronavirus in South Africa, life has never been the same.

The country’s economy came to a complete standstill for a period of 21 days, save for businesses in essential services, following President Cyril Ramaphosa declaration of the State of National Disaster and the recommendation of a total shutdown of the country, which began on March 27.

Many companies could not survive under the stringent lockdown regulations with loss of production and people could no longer go out to fend for their families as a result, mayhem ensued in many poverty-stricken households.

As such, the Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni Cllr Mzwandile Masina launched the City’s foodbank in April 14, to reach out to those who are hardest hit by the difficulties of COVID-19 lockdown regulations by donating dignified food parcels to them.

Officials led by the Executive Mayor Cllr Mzwandile Masina operate the city’s foodbank. Teams hired through the Expanded Public Works Program (EPWP) to receive, sort and distribute donated food items supplement the permanent staff.

To date, 119 donors have made donations of goods consumables and none consumables to an estimated value of R9 million. There are 47 181 applications received of which 2065 have been disqualified. Meanwhile, 27 447 food parcels have been distributed to distressed households and in total there’s been 137 230 or 4, 3% of the total City of Ekurhuleni’s population reached.


  • Thereshould be no one receiving any government grant in the household.
  • There should be no one in the household who receives an income or employed by the state or any of the food retail outlets.
  • If you meet the criteria, you can call the city’s foodbank call centre at 0119995102.
  • Send your application with all details ID, Address, name, surname, and contactable telephone number. State whether you reside with children or older persons and send the email to

The Executive Mayor has been working hand in glove with the members of the Mayoral committee (MMC) for Human Settlements Cllr Lesiba Mpya together with MMC for Community Services Cllr Nomadlozi Nkosi to identify and reach out to deserving residents of the city in informal settlements areas.

The City’s officials in the department of social development have been doing door-to-door visits in all households that applied for the food parcels to do quality checks. Qualifying residents would have food parcels delivered at their doorstep.