Community Empowerment

Guidelines for Application: Debt Relief Finance Scheme and Business Growth/ Resilience Facility and Notice for the Call for Proposals: Covid-19 SMME Intervention Measures Released

Last week, the Minister for Small Business Development, Ms Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, announced details of the intervention measures to support SMMEs affected by the Covid-19 disaster. SMMEs are advised that the Department of Small Business Development has published, on its websites, the Guidelines for Application for the Debt Relief Finance Scheme and Business Growth/ Resilience Facility. The online application form will be available from Thursday, 02 April 2020. It is important to note that only SMMEs that are registered on the database will be considered. Please go to to register your business.

In addition, the Department has also published Requests for Proposals to existing South African owned, registered and tax compliant SMMEs, which are in the medical supply and non-food field. The RFPs are aimed at getting information on SMMEs that have the capability to participate in the manufacture and supply of goods that are needed towards the management of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The RFPs are:

  • DSBD/COVID-19: 25/2019/2020: Critical Non-Food Essentials
  • DSBD/COVID-19: 26/2019/2020: Hygiene, medical products manufactured or related services

The documents can be found in the following websites:

SMMEs are encouraged to make use of our alternative email at or call our Hotline number 0860 663 7867.