Access Controlled Parks Closed Due To Covid-19 Lockdown Regulations
The City’s access controlled community parks are currently closed as part of the adhering to COVID-19 lockdown regulations.
Following the president’s announcement of maintaining the country at adjusted Level 3 of the national lockdown, it implied that some regulations remained in place such as the closure of community access controlled parks effectively from 11 January until 15 February 2021.
Residents are urged to follow the strict COVID-19 rules of always maintaining a social distance of 1.5m, wearing of cloth facemasks and regularly sanitising or washing your hands at all times.
The City’s access controlled parks include:
- Bokkie Park
- Blaaupan Dam
- Gillooly’s Farm
- Dries Niemandt Park
- Bulithando Multi-purpose Park
- Nomathamsanqa Multi-purpose Park
- Barcelona Regional Park
- Germiston Lake
- Alberton Dam