Unapproved Building Extensions Lead To Sewer System Overload And Blockages
Building of backyard rooms or cottages to supplement household income is a practice adopted by many families in the prevailing economic circumstance. However, it is vital for the concerned property owner to have their plans for the new buildings approved and certified by the city.
The process enables assessment of the implications of the new building on the City’s sewer system designed for the area and the household. The process is also meant to eliminate an overload to the City’s sewer system.
Sewer blockages are becoming more prevalent in some areas due to increased outside building extensions by households.
What are the implications of an overloaded sewer systems?
- Overloading the City’s systems leads to blocked, burst and overflowing sewer pipelines.
- The overflowing sewer above ground causes unpleasant odour for those living around the area.
- The sewerage and waste water contain bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses that can cause intestinal, lung, and other infections which may lead to diarrhoea, fever, cramps, and sometimes vomiting and headaches. Young children are the most susceptible to these illnesses.
What to do should you have a blocked sewer?
The City has personnel dedicated to providing a 24-hour service to clear blockages in City sewer mains. For assistance contact the services call centre on 0860 54 3000 / email callcentre@ekurhuleni.gov.za / use My CoE App. Be sure to ask for a reference number which you may use when making a follow up.