

The City Manager Dr Imogen Mashazi says hard work, determination and commitment are the main reasons the City of Ekurhuleni became the first Gauteng Metro to obtain three consecutive Clean Audits from the Office of the Auditor General of South Africa.

A clean audit outcome is an affirmation of a well-functioning administration. It means that the financial statements do not contain material errors – in other words, a financially unqualified audit opinion, and there are no material findings on performance information and compliance with legislation.

“It is an honour to receive this outcome which is very unique in the sense that many other municipalities have struggled to obtain clean audits. Three clean audits in a row demonstrate that we are not regressing in our efforts to run a clean government.

“I wish to thank all key stakeholders who have made this possible and encourage all of them not to drop the ball as the success of local government in the country requires great financial prudence,” says Dr Mashazi, outlining the road to this achievement has not been easy.

The City has always made it clear that of its key cornerstones is running a clean, financially stable, accountable and effective government. Operation Clean Audit is the special purpose vehicle that was introduced to monitor the implementation of the Auditors General’s previous recommendations, and adequate systems for dealing with audit queries are in place.

The implementation of the Action Plan has always been underpinned by an accountability framework that ensures governance structures are accountable to each other and to the community that we serve, and that the fraud and corruption reporting mechanisms and processes are functional.

“We have over the years created a stable administration with qualified personnel because one of the main criticisms of local government has historically been the issue of employing unqualified staff to handle public finances and run the administration,” explains Dr Mashazi, adding that a clean audit outcome is an outcome that enhances accountability in the public sector.

“This translates to the quality of our financial reports being credible and in compliance with all laws and regulations applicable.

“The clean audits we are receiving are clear proof that this City is committed to good governance, and they are a vital step to restoring the confidence of our citizens in this administration. This is an achievement that has not come easy, but it is a result of many sleepless nights and long hours,” says the accounting officer.

“We remain steadfast in our zero-tolerance approach to non-adherence to deviation on established supply chain processes. This has proven extremely vital in the eradication of irregular; wasteful and fruitless; and unauthorized expenditures in the metro,” explains Dr Mashazi.

She commits that the metro will continue to work even harder to ensure more clean audits in the future.