Fifty Mobile Hand Washing Stations Placed at Healthcare Facilities
The City of Ekurhuleni has received 50 mobile hand-hygiene stations and placed them at public healthcare facilities. The Aurum Institute and its partners donated the stands as part of the efforts to help curb the spread of COVID-19.
The handwashing stations, dubbed Shesha Geza meaning hurry up and wash, feature a diluted chlorine-based sanitiser liquid.
A foot pump to reduce the need to touch water taps operates the stations. The stations carry a 600 litre tank which equates to 4 000 hand washes per one cycle.
Tshepiso Moloi, who visited Motasamai Clinic in Katlehong, was pleased to see and use the Shesha Geza mobile hand-hygiene station.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of the importance of hand hygiene. I travelled by taxi to get here and had contact with many surfaces, from the door handle to exchanging cash when paying the taxi fare. Therefore, this station is needed,” said Moloi.
Ekurhuleni residents are encouraged to use the stations to wash their hands when visiting the City’s healthcare facilities.