Ward Based Outreach Goes to Thembisa
Non-compliance to the Covid-19 regulations was one of the main concerns that dominated the Ward Based Outreach Programme last week in Thembisa.
This programme initiates visits to areas that are identified as Covid-19 hot spots in an effort to improve awareness, and is undertaken by national, provincial and local government.
The team visited Winnie Mandela, Tswelopele, Mega Mart and Phumlani malls over a seven day period, starting on 20 July.
The City’s Chairperson of Health and Social Development Oversight Committee, Cllr Sylia Nhlabathi, said it was disturbing that most people in the areas visited were not complying with COVID-19 regulations.
“This part of Thembisa is one of the hot spots of this pandemic in the country, but people are not complying. To curb the spread, the national ministry of health is advising that we wear face masks, wash hands with soap or sanitiser, keep social distancing and stay home for as long as necessary. This might not be an easy thing to do, but it will help us all to fight this pandemic,” she said.
During the drive over 1 000 people were screened for Covid-19, 108 were tested, 45 were screened for TB, 142 for HIV, 86 for the blood pressure, while 77 were tested for blood glucose level.
Cllr Nhlabathi said this is part of the attempts to minimise the rate of infection, especially in densely populated areas in an effort to save lives.