Human Settlement

Daveyton Backyard Dwellers Urged to Come Forward for Stand Allocation

The City of Ekurhuleni’s MMC for Human Settlements, Cllr Lesiba Mpya, calls on beneficiaries of Daveyton Extension 14 serviced stands to come forward and collect their letters of occupation for serviced stands.

These stands are now ready for occupation and are equipped with flushing ablution facilities and bulk municipal services. Installation of solar geysers will only proceed once the beneficiaries have collected their occupational letters – this is to avoid vandalism.

“Other services, like electricity, will be provided as part of the City’s electrification programme. Furthermore, the beneficiaries will also have access roads,” explained MMC Mpya.

He said the stands allocation would be a turning point towards a better life for many residents who have been renting backyard rooms for many years in Daveyton. The stands have title deeds that will be handed over to the beneficiaries to secure their right of ownership.

Unlike the Project-Linked Subsidy housing where a contractor builds houses for beneficiaries, the serviced stands allow beneficiaries to build or organise their own homes.

The letters of occupation can be collected at Daveyton Customer Care Centre, corner Eiselen Street and Mocke Street, from 08h00 to 16h00 weekdays.