Information Relating to Housing Applications at Your Finger Tips
Due to the current COVID-19 regulations and applicable restrictions, the Gauteng Department of Human Settlements Ekurhuleni Region has developed different working arrangements without compromising service delivery.
To this end the department has minimised face-to-face contact and consultations with it clients in their customer support services. Currently, the department works with skeletal staff working on alternative days and there is no direct interaction with clients.
On arrival clients are provided with a form where they indicate what service/s they are in need of. Boxes are strategically placed where customers can leave messages and/or documents in relation to a specific query. The boxes are emptied daily and where necessary follow ups are done.
Those seeking information on the status of their RDP/ Government housing subsidy application can use the Online Housing Subsidy System portal. It serves as a single point of entry for housing subsidy related matters and provides visitors with information directly taken from the provincial housing databases.
Registered users will have access to live data relating to their specific projects – register by logging on to https://www.hssonline.gov.za/hssonline/DesktopDefault.aspx. Alternatively, you can call 0800 146 873.
Operating hours are 08h00 – 17h00 weekdays and the switchboard number is 011 861 3000. The Gauteng Department of Human Settlements Ekurhuleni Region is situated at 68 Voortrekker Road, Nevada Building, in Alberton.