Human Settlement

John Dube Village to Change Face of Kwatsaduza

The City of Ekurhuleni has embarked on the implementation of Mega Catalytic Projects to fast-track delivery of housing and basic services to households residing in previously disadvantages communities.

Mega Projects will create a healthy and vibrant household economy that will ensure job opportunities are created closer to places of work thereby reducing travelling costs and will be close to other social amenities.

Development Location

The John Dube development is one of the mega projects. Situated between the Springs and Nigel CBD’s, adjacent to the residential complex in Duduza, the John Dube mega city is a multi-functional “New City” which will supply not only new housing opportunities, but also a variety of urban commercial, industrial, and institutional amenities and job opportunities to the greater Kwa-Thema, Tsakani and Duduza (Kwatsaduza) area.

Project Deliverables

The planned development consists of approximately 17 000 housing units to be implemented in three phases.

A Housing Mix Of:

  • 1,500 BNG Standalone Units
  • 4,110 BNG Walk up Units.
  • 2,203 FLISP Standalone Units
  • 270 Military Veterans Units
  • 700 Rental Stock Units
  • 848 Affordable Bonded Units
  • 900 Site & Services Stands

Social and Economic Amenities

CBD with New Civic Centre; Business and Higher-order Community Z; Facilities Schools; Local Community Facility sites; Business Facility sites; Local Parks ;Community Gardens; Industrial and Manufacturing Zone; Hotels and a Convention Centre.

Progress to Date

The 497.22 hectares were handed over to contractors in July 2020. To date a large portion of the bulk services been constructed for the project, this includes the construction of attenuation water ponds, sewer reticulation, roads, and storm water.