Political parties contesting the elections are exempted from tariffs/application fees with regards to the erection of posters as related to the upcoming elections.
However, it must be emphasised that there are guidelines in place to follow in the postering process.
The Guidelines
Political parties are therefore urged to comply to the following Guidelines:
Category Five: Posters in terms of the City of Ekurhuleni Billboards and the Display of Advertisements By-Laws (2017). Posters shall:
- Be affixed to electrical light standards and affixed receptacles by means of a suitable cord and no metal clamps or wire shall be used;
- Not be affixed or nailed to trees;
- Not be used to advertise a commercial event; and
- Be affixed at least 50m away of an intersection.
The number of permitted posters per post are:
- A maximum of three posters will be allowed per standard or per post, and.
- A maximum of four posters will be allowed per standard or per post if situated on the Road Island or median, back-to-back.
Applicable/ Recommended Size for Posters:
- Maximum Size: 0.9m x 0.6m (A1 Size)
- Clearance: 2,4m (minimum height from ground)
Spoilage of materials by any Individual/ Groups
- No individual or group is to tamper with any of the displayed material of another political party with regards to the elections; and
- No individual or group is to tamper with any of the City’s assets/ properties such as bridges, fencing, walls, buildings to display material related to elections.
The City condemns such behaviour and any induvial/ group responsible for such will be reported to the IEC as well as the South African Police Service (SAPS) for further action.
The Use of Super Billboards
The City requests contesting individuals and political parties to ensure that their election campaigns are flighted on billboards that are approved in line with the By-law. In instances where the billboard is structured on Council owned property, that the rental fee is paid to ensure rightful revenue towards the City as a result of the elections.
Removal of Posters after the Elections
In terms of the By-laws, no posters shall be displayed for longer than the period extending from the beginning of the date of proclamation in the Government Gazette of an upcoming referendum or election to the end of the fourteenth day after the date of such an election.
Parties are therefore urged to remove their posters and any other election related material/ illustrations by the 12th of June 2024 in all areas of the City.
Any material not removed after the 12th of June, will be removed by the City across all wards and the applicable political party will be charged a tariff/removal fee of R57.69 per poster, as prescribed by Schedule 19 of the City’s promulgated tariffs for the 2023/24 Financial Year.
The City shall not be liable for any loss, damage, storage, cost, claims, demands and/or any other liability from an individual or political party who had contested the elections, with regards to election related material removed by the City.
All political parties and individuals contesting the elections are urged to comply with the stated requirements of the City.
Northern and Eastern Region
Southern Region