Service Delivery Interruptions

Emergency Water Supply Interruption – Springs

Customer Care Areas: Springs
Please take note of an emergency water supply notice to take place as follows:
DATE04 October 2024
SHUTDOWN AND ESTIMATED RESTORATION TIME08:00 until further notice Restoration time will be communicated
NATURE OF INTERRUPTIONLow water pressure to no water
LOCATION OF INTERRUPTION Low levels in Selcourt reservoir
AFFECTED AREASSelection Park south parts of N17, Selcourt & Selcourt enclosure Struisbuilt, Daggafontein and Nuffield
CAUSE OF INTERRUPTION Low levels in Selcourt reservoir
REMEDIAL ACTIONThe pump is running but water does not reach the tower. Team is on site investigating and resloving
NUMBER OF TANKERS PROVIDED AND LOCATION01 water tanker stationed at Selcourt Spar 01 water tanker roving around Daggafontein 01 water tanker roving around Struisbuilt
OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION  Consumers are encouraged to store water and use water sparingly.