GERMISTON – The City of Ekurhuleni informs customers of a planned infrastructure upgrade at Northmead Water Tower which will lead to supply interruption to Benoni. The work is scheduled from 07h00 on Wednesday, 22 May 2024 to 07h00 on Friday, 24 May 2024.
The upgrade entails the connection of pipes between the tower and the newly constructed Northmead Reservoir. This upgrade will stabilise the water supply in the area.
Areas that will be affected include the following:
- Airfield;
- Brentwood Park;
- Goedeberg;
- Farramere Gardens;
- Oakfield;
- Part of Morehill;
- Northmead;
- North Villa; and
- Rynfield.
During this period, six water tankers will be stationed in the affected areas as follows:
- Farra Street – Northmead;
- Engen Garage – Brentwood Park (Corner Celia Nestadt and Great North Roads);
- Rynfield Spar – (Corner Vlei and Pretoria Roads);
- Farrarmere Square – (Corner Kei and Klip Streets);
- Norton Home Estate – Auret Street; and
- Oakfield Centre – Oak Street.
Water tankers will also attend to schools, clinics, hospitals and old age homes in the area.
The city apologises for the inconvenience this may cause.