City Of Ekurhuleni Emergency Services Reach out Communities on Provincialization of Ambulances
It has come to the attention of the City of Ekurhuleni`s Disaster and Emergency Management Services (DEMS) that most of the residents within the city are not aware that ambulance services have been provincialized and are no more the responsibility of the City but that of the province.
Different community members are still phoning the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) emergency call centre number when in frantic need of medical or trauma services for their loved ones.
Public Information, Education and Relations (PIER) sub section within emergency services, braised themselves through the rain kick starting the series of awareness campaigns in alerting the public on provincialization of ambulance services within the City.
The public are still of the opinion that medical and trauma services are still DEMS`s responsibilities. When not assisted with services needed “ambulance services”, they vent their anger and frustrations out on firefighters and resources. As from the 1st of July 2020, several fire stations have been attacked, windows shuttered, and firefighters physically and verbally attacked.
Makausi and Delport informal settlements near Primrose fire station were the two communities reached by firefighters on the provincialization of ambulance services.
The objective is to reach more individuals at the shopping malls and informal settlements within the City.
For trauma and medical ambulance services, the public is encouraged to contact the Gauteng Provincial Ambulance Call Centre on (011) 564 2210/1.
City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) Disaster and Emergency Management Services is still reachable on (011) 458 0911 for different fires and rescue services. The contacts are for the Life-Threatening Call Centre whereby all city`s twenty-nine fire stations are linked to. Firefighters and rescuers will be able to respond accordingly.
City of Ekurhuleni Emergency Fire and Rescue Services: –
(011) 458- 0911 : Life Threatening Ekurhuleni Emergency Line
10177 : National Toll-Free Number
112 : Cell Phone
NB: For medical and trauma patient care, call Gauteng Ambulance Services on (011) 564-2211 or 564-2210.