City Turning the Tide on Grass Cutting Backlog
Due to the festive season break and the amount of rainfall received over the months of December 2020 and January 2021, there is a backlog with regards to horticultural and arboriculture maintenance across the City of Ekurhuleni.
This is a norm every year, to have these kinds of backlogs between the months of January and March. In recent years, this period has recorded more severe rainfalls accompanied by high temperatures, which is attributed to the changing weather patterns. Vegetation thrives in these conditions.
The service providers appointed for cutting grass are currently working on areas allocated to them, while internal teams are also doing horticultural maintenance.
Maintenance schedules will be available at the City’s customer care centres, where the community can access them.
The City is are also aware of the high number of complaints, and is working hard to resolve them.
The community is thanked for their patience during this time and the City apologises for the inconvenience.