COE Attains High Scores in Water Quality
The City of Ekurhuleni has scored highly in water quality for the water quality tests conduct for August 2020. The SANS 241 test results testify to the water quality that has ensured the City has not experienced any water-borne pandemic or outbreak in many years.
The SANS tests entails the following:
Acute Health:
Determinant that poses an immediate unacceptable health risk if present at concentration values exceeding the numerical limits as specified in SANS 241.
Determinant that taint water with respect to taste, odour or colour and that does not pose an unacceptable heath risk if present at concentration values exceeding the numerical limits as specified in SANS 241.
Chronic Health:
Determinant that poses an unacceptable heath risk if ingested over an extended period if present at concentration values exceeding the numerical limits as specified in SANS 241.
Microbiological Health Compliance:
Microbial water quality is the state of the water with respect to the absence (good water quality) or presence (poor water quality) of certain disease-causing micro-organisms.
Where a microbiological value exceeds the numerical limit as specified in SANS 241 an unacceptable risk to human health is implied. As the microbiological value increases, in increasing risk to health is implied.
The continuous work on infrastructure has helped the municipality score well in operational compliance.
Other contributing factors to compliance include the increase of reservoir capacity, replacement and upgrade of water pipes as well as maintenance, repair and replacement of the aging infrastructure that is unfolding, according to Head of Department for Water and Sanitation Mduduzi Shabangu.