Improving Quality Of Life by Upgrading Informal Settlements
Restoning Dignity into Informal Settlements
A number of Informal Settlements are benefitting from the City’s Re-blocking programme aimed at reconfiguring the current layout of informal settlements and re-organising the ground plan to effectively use space to promote health, safety and the well-being of households.
Re-blocking concept was introduced during the October 2015 Mayoral Lekgotla. The aim was to improve the quality of life in the informal settlements with a focus of promoting accelerated service delivery.
A total of 46 of the 119 informal settlements have been re-blocked thus far and 40 have been electrified resulting in over 50 000 people enjoying electricity for the first time.
Member of Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Human Settlements Lesiba Mpya said the main purpose of the re-blocking process is to ensure that all informal settlements’ communities have access to basic services.
“In all the re-blocked areas, emergency services are now easily accessible to the people, which contributes to bettering the lives of the people in informal settlements, “said Mpya.
Benefits of Reblocking
The focus is on promoting accelerated service delivery to informal settlements.
Informal settlements will have improved access to basic water and sanitation, electricity, waste collection and emergency services.
Creating a passage for emergency vehicles
CoE emergency services (ambulances and fire engines) having access to the informal settlements as and when required.
Make informal settlements livable through the enhancement of services.
Improved partnership
Improved knowledge about rights and responsibility of both residents and the City.
Above all the re-blocking programme looks at ensuring basic service delivery for all.
Reblocking and Electrifications Currently Underway
Informal settlements at which re-blocking is being rolled out with an intention to benefit the lives of 640 households:
- Duduza North Informal Settlement (complete) – Ward 102
- Emandleni Informal Settlement (completed) – Ward 29
- Ekuthuleni Informal Settlement-(complete)
- Mayfield Ext 6 (Zenzele) -( 90% complete) Ward 96
- Ramaphosa Informal Settlement – (90% complete) Ward 42