The city’s waste removal services will be fully operational during the festive season except on Christmas Day – 25 December.
All sections that are due to be serviced on the Monday of Christmas will be serviced the next day, which is Tuesday 26 December.
On all the other days including New Year’s Day 01 January, waste removal services will continue as normal.
Meanwhile, residents and members of the public are reminded that it is against Council policy to give Christmas Boxes to the city’s waste officials for services rendered. This is a practice that is prevalent during the festive season as many residents tend to give small gifts of gratitude to the officials.
“The city cautions against this act of kindness because we have had incidents where residents were abused by these officials if they refused to give anything. In fact, in most instances this becomes destruction and affects service delivery on the ground,” says city spokesman Zweli Dlamini, adding that the waste collectors or officials are also discouraged from ‘soliciting’ any festive gifts from members of the public while on duty.
“We pay our staff for the work rendered to the public and therefore, they do not need to receive any gifts or advances from residents for performing their duties.”
Members of the public experiencing any waste removal interruptions are encouraged to escalate these to the city via the call centre – 0860 54 3000.