The City of Ekurhuleni appeals to residents and businesses to reduce their water consumption amidst the Rand Water Stage 2 restrictions that have contributed to water supply interruptions across the City. Water consumption has increased significantly in the last few weeks, resulting in a decline in the overall reservoir levels.
The City has employed various measures to speedily improve the reservoir levels. Among those is to reduce water pressure at strategic locations and hotspots at night to allow the reservoir levels to pick up. Furthermore, the City prioritises all major burst pipes and leaks to contain water losses.
Some of the areas that have been badly affected by the low reservoir levels are Daveyton, Mayfield, Tsakane and Etwatwa.
The public is reminded of the prohibition of irrigation between 07h00 and 17h00, and stringent enforcement of water supply by-laws regarding illegal connections, water use, and any other water-related contravention.
The City emphasises the importance of adopting and implementing water-saving measures, especially at this critical time.
Some of the water saving measures are:
- Avoid washing cars with hosepipes, but rather use buckets;
- Avoid watering gardens during the day;
- Avoid washing pavements with hosepipes, rather use a broom to sweep;
- Turn off taps while brushing teeth;
- Do not hesitate to repair leaking taps;
- Avoid turning on taps fully and turn them off after use;
- Avoid leaving taps running while rinsing hair or shaving;
- Cover swimming pools to prevent quick water evaporation;
- Install low flow restrictions on taps at home;
- Use cold water to wash hands not hot water;
- Re-using bath water to water flower beds and lawns; and
- Use water-efficient dishwashers.
The City apologises for the inconvenience this may cause.