Know What Covid-19 Level 1 Guidelines Entail!
Know What Covid-19 Level 1 Guidelines Entail!
The National State of Disaster Level 1 regulations have been gazetted. These regulations allow for more permitted movement. Since the spread of the Covid-19 is mainly caused by movement of people, it is now extremely critical for the public to adhere to social distancing, wearing of face masks and gathering principles to curb a new wave of infections.
While the COVID-19 infection statistics continued to decline in most parts of the country, according to figures provided by the health department, the public is urged to not let “their guard down”.
All regulations about mandatory mask-wearing, record-keeping, and sanitary measures as outlined remain in place.
With President Cyril Ramaphosa announcing South Africa moving to alert level 1 from 21 September 2020 of the Covid-19 risk adjusted approach. Ramaphosa encouraged all to stay vigilant in our fight against COVID-19 and to adhere to all protocols and said “this is how we are going to keep ourselves safe and keep our economy open:
- We must wear a mask whenever we are in public and make sure that it covers both the nose and mouth.
- We must maintain a distance of one-and-a-half metres from other people at all times and ensure that we are in spaces that are well ventilated.
- We must continue to wash our hands or use hand sanitiser regularly.
- We must download the COVID Alert South Africa app, and protect our families and communities”.
COVID-19 Alert Mobile APP (South Africa)
- Download the COVID Alert SA mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
- Zero-rated by mobile networks, so you can download it without any data costs.
- Using Bluetooth technology, the app will alert any user if they have been in close contact with any other user who has tested positive for coronavirus in the past 14 days.
- The App is completely anonymous, it does not gather any personal information, nor does it track anybody’s location.
- Traditional initiations for male and female practices are still prohibited.
- Night vigils are still not allowed.
- Night clubs are closed to the public and prohibited to open.
- Boat cruises.
- International sport events.
CURFEW (Limited movement) daily from midnight to 4:00 in the morning
Voter registration / Special Voting
The Independent Electoral Commission will be allowed to visit correctional centres, health facilities, old age homes and other similar institutions
Social, religious, weddings and other gatherings
- Number of people in any venue must not exceed 50% of normal capacity
- Indoor: Maximum limit of 250 people allowed in venue
- Outdoor : Maximum limit of 500 people applies to outdoor gatherings
- Funerals: Maximum of 100 people may attend a funderal
Public Places: The number of people allowed in a retail store, restaurant, cinema, or any other public space remains limited to 50% of its normal capacity.
Venues for recreational and entertainment (Hotels, Casinos, theatres, and cinemas): Now allowed to accommodate 50% of the venue’s capacity as determined by available floor space.
Protocols: All persons must adhere to all health protocols when attending a gathering, to limit exposure to COVID-19.
Libraries: The City is currently in the process to ensure our libraries are ready and safe to start with basic services. All libraries do have a thermometer and sanitisers and we will ensure social distancing and adherence to prescribed protocols. Only a limited number of students will be allowed per facility and to adhere to social distancing. A drop and collect book service will be available and all books will be quarantined for 7 days.
- Funerals remains a higher risk of viral transmission
- Maximum number of people who may attend a funeral is increased from 50 to 100
Public Transport
– Long distance trip is a trip of 200km and over
- May carry 100% of the licensed capacity for any trip not regarded as long-distance travel in terms of sub-regulation.
- May not carry more than 70% of the licensed capacity for long-distance travel.
Driver, owner or operator of public transport may not allow any member of the public who is not wearing a face mask on board.
Local and International travelling (Business and Leisure)
- Traveling for business and leisure into and out of SA will be allowed as of 1 October 2020. Borders will gradually and cautiously be opened for travellers from the African continent and from countries outside the African continent with a low rate of COVID-19 infection and transmissions.
- Travel may be restricted to and from certain countries that are deemed high risk. List to be published.
- International flights: Only OR Tambo, King Shaka, and Cape Town International airports will be open.
- Land borders: Limited number of border posts will remain open in South Africa.
- Thirty-five border posts remain closed and passenger ships for international leisure purposes are also still out of bounds.
Protocols: On arrival, travellers will need to present a negative COVID-19 test result not older than 72 hours from time of departure.
OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES (Beaches, parks, and nature and game reserves) will be open for outdoor activity.
Other attraction places such as theme parks, water parks, zoos, aquaria and animal sanctuaries are now open.
Tourist attractions: Tourists and tour guides need to wear masks and sanitise regularly.
Water-based tourism activities (boat-based whale watching, scuba diving, shark cage diving, kayaking, river rafting, and speed boat rides),
Outdoor activities such as hiking, quad biking and hot air balloons are now permitted.
* All equipment needs to be sanitised after each use.
Accommodation establishments are open
Gyms and fitness facilities / centres now only take 50% of the venue capacity at any given time
Sporting Events:
- Existing restrictions on sporting events remain in place.
- No spectators allowed.
- No international sporting events
Cigarettes and tobacco will be allowed to be sold without restrictions, unlike alcohol.
Sale of alcohol: Permitted from Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 (excluding public holidays) and may be sold for consumption in licensed premises for off-site consumption (subject to strict adherence to curfew). Sales of alcohol is not permitted on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
Swimming pools are open from 1 September 2020 for the summer season
No Evictions and demolitions: A person may not be evicted from his or her land or home or have his or her place of residence demolished unless a court order was granted.
Restaurants and bars are open and need to adhere to the midnight curfew, even those situated within hotels. No buffets allowed in any venue (including hotels). Alcohol may be served in all licensed restaurants.
Old age homes and retirement villages
Visits are now permitted, provided that the visits are planned with a pre-visit screening call.
Pre-schools, aftercare, and early childhood development programmes may operate with strict adherence to protocols.
Courts: Restriction of not more than 50% of the available floor space, with members of the public observing a distance of at least one and a half metres from each other.