Pay For Your Bill, It Is Your Responsibility
The City of Ekurhuleni is committed to providing efficient and reliable services to its ratepayers and community at large.
As the Easter Weekend is upon us, and customers are reminded to pay their municipal bills on time to avoid unnecessary electricity disconnections.
By paying for your services the City is able to, among others:
- Keep stormwater drainage systems functional
- Collect waste
- Pay Eskom and other essential service providers to the City
- Provide clean water
- Fix and maintain roads
- Keep the street lights on at night
- Build and maintain recreational facilities
- Provide better health services
Those who are unable to pay are encouraged to make the necessary payment arrangements at their nearest customer care centre.
Payment of services can be made through any of the following:
- Our online system – siyakhokha.ekurhuleni.gov.za
- Pep
- Builders Warehouse
- Spar
- Banks / online banking
- Macro
- Pick ’n Pay
- Checkers