In terms of skills development, the City has improved the employment prospects of the youth and it is being implemented in collaboration with the private sector. The programme was implemented using 14 local youth offices that provide business training, funding application and referrals to
Through the City’s Enterprise Development Programme it promotes and supports programmes in various categories and sectors of SMMEs. These programmes include: Mentorship The mentorship programme involves bringing in experts in the field to share information and assist in guiding in areas such as furniture manufacturing, protective clothing, automotive services, contractor
The city of Ekurhuleni (CoE) in partnership with the Department of Public Works has implemented Phase 3 of Vuk’uphile Learner Contractor Development Programme, which is part of the EPWP. The programme was aimed at incubating and mentoring emerging contractors into fully-fledged contractors and site supervisors with adequate administrative, technical, contractual,