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Tenders awarded

Bids Awarded for November 2018

CONTRACT NO DESCRIPTION  OF BIDS AWARDED FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2018 SUPPLIER A-FM 02/2018 Correction of award to full period Supply, installation, monitoring and maintenance of vehicle active tracking system on lease basis until 30 June 2021  Bertobrite (Pty) Ltd A-RE 02/2018
Tenders awarded

Bids Awarded for the Month of September 2018

CONTRACT NO DESCRIPTION  OF BIDS AWARDED  FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER  2018 SUPPLIER Section 32 FM 32-2016(T) Supply and delivery of sedan vehicles, light and heavy commercial vehicles, busses and motor cycles until 30 June 2018 IVECO SOUTH AFRICA PS-EPMO 07/2017 Multiple specialist consultants to render professional services in various infrastructure
Tenders awarded

Bids Awarded for August 2018

CONTRACT NO DESCRIPTION  OF BIDS AWARDED FOR THE AUGUST 2018 SUPPLIER A-EE 24/2017 Repairs and maintenance of paper insulated and XPLE underground cable networks from 33kV to 132kV and associated copper and optic fibre pilot cables – as and when – until 30 June 2020 RFR Electrical Contractors CC A-EE 24/2017 Repairs and maintenance of paper
Public Notices

Notice 15-2018

LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE CITY OF EKURHULENI METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY DRAFT AMENDED COUNCIL STANDING ORDERS BY-LAW NOTICE IS HEREWITH GIVEN in terms of the provisions of section 7 of the Rationalisation of Local Government Affairs Act, 1998 (Act 10 of 1998), read with sections11 and 12 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of […]
Public Notices

Notice 11-2018 Information Statement

CITY OF EKURHULENI METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY INFORMATION STATEMENT In accordance with section 46(3)(a)(i) and (ii) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (No.56 of 2003), read in conjunction with section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act (No. 32 of 2000), the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (the City) hereby makes public an information
Tenders awarded

Bids Awarded for July 2018

  CONTRACT NO DESCRIPTION  OF BIDS AWARDED  MONTH REPORTED INDICATED FROM OCT 2016 SUPPLIER PS-ERM 12/2018 Service provider to draft a detailed comprehensive custom made animal nutrition and feeding manual JULY 2018 Enterprise University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd A-ERM 01/2018 Supply, delivery and off-loading of herbicides – as and when – until 30