The City of Ekurhuleni invites local businesses to a training session on the new Preferential Procurement Regulation (PPR) of 2022 which became effective on 16 January 2023. The most notable change to the regulation is the replacement of the broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) status
As part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week celebration the City of Ekurhuleni, in partnership with Afrorose Concierge (PTY) Ltd, is calling for entries to the Ekurhuleni Network Seminar scheduled to take place on Thursday, 17 November at Kempton Park Civic Centre.
TENDER NR DESCRIPTION OF BIDS AWARDED-RECOMMENDED TO THE CM MONTHREPORTED SUPPLIER REPORTED AMOUNT A-EE 18-2021 The supply, delivery and off-loading of electronic energy demand meters with remote meter reading capabilities (for residential, commercial and large power users), non-smart and smart prepayment residential meters, data concentrators as well as
Work to recover the City’s revenue from nonpayers of services by disconnecting services is yielding positive results.
Industries must adhere to special requirements for effluent discharge by having adequate facilities for effluent management such as effluent plants, tanks, catch-pits and separators.
Calling entrepreneurs with registered businesses in the Kathorus and surrounds to a commemoration of June 16 through an exclusive pitching session...